Alexa Bourne

User Female, 24. The user has never sought out social media assistance for a business. Female, 26. The user has never sought out social media assistance for a business but has worked in the graphic arts field. Male, 27. The user has never sought out social media assistance for a business.
Research type Prototype feedback & testing was carried out remotely; The user completed the task in under 5 minutes and. Prototype feedback & testing was carried out remotely; The user completed the task in under 7 minutes. Prototype feedback & testing was carried out remotely; The user completed the task in under 5 minutes.
Pain points/ Opportunities to consider The user would have liked to see more images on the services page. She initially had difficulty making out what the heading 1 text was saying in the ‘gloss and bloom’ font.

Really liked the brush stroke effect.

Suggested there should be more spacing on the ‘Our values’ section. Paragraphs and text were too close to each other, making it too much information for the user to take in at once. | The user suggested that subheadings be bigger, making the visual hierarchy consistent and easier to read.

The user suggested that the CTA’s that were at the bottom of the pages either be moved closer to the top, or hover/pop up near the top and when scrolling. She felt that being so important and left to the bottom of the page, users could easily miss it. | The user suggested incorporating some of the branding colours into the black and white images as to further utilize the colour and break up the constant black and white.

The user suggested to move ‘Our values’ over to ‘A bit about the team’ and incorporate them together, as it seemed more fitting, and keep the homepage as a simple landing page.

| | | | Positive Feedback | User liked the overall element of black and white, with the incorporation of bits of colour, she liked the brush stroke elements used and felt that the site was very visually pleasing. | User liked the idea of the black and white with the pops of colour. | User liked the brush stroke effect. Liked the overall sharpness that the black and white brought to the site, keeping in line with the page's neutrality. | | |