Alexa Bourne

User Female, 33. The user previously purchased insurance in-person guided by an agent. Female, 32. The user worked with an agent in the past. Male, 37. User has purchased insurance online.
Research type The user completed the task in under 3 minutes. The user test was observed in person. The user completed the task in 7 minutes. The user test was observed in person. The user completed the task in under 5 minutes. The user test was observed in person.
General Notes/Observations Beginning the task, the user initially went to the main navigation heading to select the Bundle and Save option. She then selected the main CTA. On reaching page 2/5, she initially wanted to select the Pet Insurance bundle option, before being prompted to select the Renter’s Insurance bundle option. The user was very thorough, reading through the most of the information on the site. The user was fairly thorough. Appreciated the information shared about the coverage in the bundle plan and read through it.
Pain points/ Opportunities to consider The user mentioned they would like to see more images, especially that of animals under the pet policy.

The amount of bundle's buttons on page 2/5 felt a little chaotic. The user felt as though she should be able to select the individual types of insurance and bundle them together as she wishes. She mentioned this would add an element of interaction to the page, and break up the static flow of just reading and selecting CTA’s. She said this would be a great idea for mobile, as people could just use their fingers to move and match, creating an element of fun.

The user felt that the element that caught their eye the most was the price, following the CTA underneath. ‘What’s covered’ in the policy is something she would have reverted back to, or like to have seen after the fact, and mentioned it felt like an overwhelm of information at the beginning of the page.

The user suggested on page 5/5 she felt more drawn to select one of the first agents, rather than the last.

User said there could be more photos on the different pages. | The user said it was a bit complicated to complete the task flow quickly and intuitively. The user was initially drawn to the main navigation bar as the place that she would to navigate through the requested task flow, as appose to the CTA next to the hero image on the homepage.

She suggested that the chat box be a floating element, rather than at the bottom of each page, so if the user were to feel frustrated it would be a link they could get questions answered quickly.

Suggested that users should be able to select their own policies to bundle together, and in bundles of more than 3.

Mentioned that homepage CTA “Get a quote” submission next to hero image was confusing to fully understand what the submission was for - bundle or quote. | The user pointed out text about bundle policy was inconsistent on page 3/5.

User suggested the email could be auto-populated with the bundle plans that the user selected, to save time and memory.

User was drawn to main navigation bar to guide him through the site, as appose to many CTA’s throughout the pages.

User did not know that a pet insurance policy was an offering by an insurance company.

User said there could be more photos on the different pages.

User preferred to be able to select his own policies be able to bundle them together as he wished, and in the quantity he wanted. | | | | Positive Feedback | The user stated that she felt the site portrayed a sense of trust. She liked that the images felt genuine and not stereotypical to that of any other insurance websites. She liked the simplicity of most pages. The user felt that the element that caught their eye the most was the price on page 3/5. | The user liked the reviews on the homepage, and would like to see more throughout the site. Liked that the email submission was simple and specific. User liked the colours and clean design.

User liked that the site had an emphasis on understanding the policy.

User felt the site conveyed a sense of trust. | The user very much liked and connected with the picture of the dog on page 3/5, as he is a pet owner.

User liked that the site had an emphasis on understanding the policy.

User felt the site conveyed a sense of trust. | | |